Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How green are WE ?

 Today, I write about How green are we..
And why? Because
that it is very important in today's world have a conscience about what surrounds us, it is necessary to look beyond ourselves and solidarity with others and our surroundings.

Practices to respect the environment, is a recurring theme in the media, but, Are we really acting with conscience about this?

I think that the government is not really implicated in save our environment, I mean, they show us TV commercials where they said take care with the light or electrical appliances or about the water. But, I think that is just in monetary form, Do you understand me? Always is about big companies and things like that. Why they don't show us how to separate trash or Where actually deposit???
All we know that the most of trash finished in the    
same place.

 Whatever, in my case, I separate cardboard, grass and plastic. In my building, all of us, have to do that. But, really... I don't know where go the trash.

About the transport, I don't have a bike, but sometimes, my boyfriend lend me a bike and we can go out. But in a re-creative form, I'm not use in a functional form. But I'm thinking in buy a bike soon. About the public transport, I don't use everyday, because I live so near to the university ! So, I used it just for visit people or go to shopping far.

Anyway, I hope people to read more about the consequences that may result in the misuse of technology and pollution by the irresponsibility of people.

Open your eyes and start acting!!

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